Product Design, 2022
From trash to… assembled trash
After taking apart two broken chairs, I found the still intact feet being too quirky to be thrown away. Their shape reminded me of the ones an old-fashioned hatstand has, but as I don’t wear hats, you see the need for one had it’s limits. Long story short, as something of an industrial design student, I'll probably have to build a lamp sooner rather than later. Sooner it was, leftover parts were found and here we are…

As said the feet are those of an old chair, connected to the plastic tube body via zip ties. Mentioned plastic tube is roughened at the top to prevent direct lighting. Illuminant is a LED- Reflector GU10, 4.3W, 350lm, 2700K. Furthermore, the lamp can be disassembled into their individual parts easily and reused for other projects.